Monthly Archives: October 2022

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Consultants

Southwest Environmental Limited can apply for an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) on your behalf. We are based in the UK, and provide our services Worldwide.

We have been successfully carrying out life cycle assessments of goods and services for over a decade. We can provide help and support in getting an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) issued for your products or services.

How does an Environmental Product Declaration Work?

An Environmental Product Declaration is a short report (often backed up by a larger report) that sets out the impacts of you product or service. For example let us pretend we are obtaining an EPD for a Hammer made by “Company A”.

We would need to find out the impacts created in the manufacturing, transport, use and disposal of the product. In Fact there are potentially 17 subdivisions to include for.

Most if the lifecycle work we undertake is based around Carbon Footprinting, but with an EPD there are special requirements that result in a broader scope:

  • GWP-fossil
  • GWP-biogenic
  • GWP- luluc
  • GWP- total
  • ODP
  • EP-freshwater
  • EP- marine
  • EP-terrestrial
  • POCP
  • ADP-minerals&metals*
  • ADP-fossil*
  • WDP*

The list extends to about 30 factors which need to be footprint, it is quite time consuming, but luckily we can find most of these values in prepared databases.

You wood find footprints for EN1508 materials or services ,and add these together to make up you final footprint and publish an EPD.

A Lot of Numbers. . .

Why Do I need an Environmental Product Declaration EPD?

You probably need one because you customer is asking for one. If they use you products as part of the service they deliver then they will need to feed in data from your EPD, in to their EPD. In that way they can work out their footprint.

If another supplier has a published EPD, they can also compare your product to the other supplier and see who has the lowest carbon.

Environmental Product Declaration EPD Costs

You can get an EPD issued for one simple products for perhaps £8000, this would include our fees and the fees to the 3rd party verifier, and the certification costs. However, costs go up very quickly for more complex products. Even a simple report will be backed up with 50 plus pages of spreadsheet calculations. Unfortunately there is no such thing as an Life Cycle Assessment that can be completed in “One Click”.

Please contact us to talk about your requirements.