Category Archives: Noise

Noise Assessment – Camden – London

Southwest Environmental Limited  have been asked to prepare a Noise Assessment for a site on Camden High Street.  

Camden High Street is a short stretch of road (less than 500m long, forming part of the A400) in Camden Town, in north-northwest London.

KOKO, the former Camden Palace is in close proximity to the site and as such has been considered as a source of noise in the assessment. That being said planning conditions relating to the refitting and extension of KOKO see very strict noise control limits that should ensure minimal impact if properly enforced.

The report was assembled using secondary data from numerous baseline surveys that had been under taken in the area.

We then derived an appropriate background noise level, and compared this to British Standard noise level criteria, in accordance with BS 4142:214, the prevailing background sound level is not necessarily taken to  be the lowest recorded values, but rather the level that best represents the typical background  sound level during a defined period.

If you have any noise related planning issues, then please call the office for a no obligation discussion.

Noise & Vibration Monitoring – Horsham, West Sussex

Southwest Environmental Limited were recently commissioned undertake long term noise and vibration monitoring for a site in Horsham.

The site in question was a residential usage, with demolition and construction activities occurring immediately adjacent.

Concerns were raised by residents and site management with regards to the levels of noise and vibration experienced by residents.

SWEL acted rapidly to implement a monitoring program on behalf of the client, with an aim to reassure residents.

It was found that noise and vibration levels were for the most part below thresholds as described in the relevant British Standards, although there were some short term exceedances.

The situation has now been described to the residents and its is clear they have been reassured as the number of complaints has dropped significantly.

If you have any requirement for Noise and Vibration Monitoring please ring for a no obligation no charge discussion, and we will duly provide a fixed price quotation.

Noise Impact Assessment – Grays

Noise Impact Assessment – Grays

Acting upon instructions from client, Southwest Environmental have Produced a noise impact assessment according to British  Standards.

The noise assessment was carried out for a self storage warehouse project in the greys area the main impact considered within the report with traffic movements. Unlike typical warehousing we cannot expect large volumes of heavy goods vehicle traffic and research in noise levels were based around car movements rather than heavy goods vehicle movements another consideration was that of the 24 hour access required for self storage warehouses SWEL used data from various self storage associations to build a profile or anticipated vehicle movements the site is within an industrial area that there are residential units quite close to the eastern boundary of the site.

It was found that noise levels were as acceptable when assessed in line with the relevant British standards monastery was carried out over 24 hour period prior to the calculations being performed.

Noise Impact Assessment London