Camden High Street is a short stretch of road (less than 500m long, forming part of the A400) in Camden Town, in north-northwest London.
KOKO, the former Camden Palace is in close proximity to the site and as such has been considered as a source of noise in the assessment. That being said planning conditions relating to the refitting and extension of KOKO see very strict noise control limits that should ensure minimal impact if properly enforced.
The report was assembled using secondary data from numerous baseline surveys that had been under taken in the area.
We then derived an appropriate background noise level, and compared this to British Standard noise level criteria, in accordance with BS 4142:214, the prevailing background sound level is not necessarily taken to be the lowest recorded values, but rather the level that best represents the typical background sound level during a defined period.
If you have any noise related planning issues, then please call the office for a no obligation discussion.