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If you would like help with specifying a building to achieve good scoring then please get in touch.
BREEAM seeks to lower the operational and capital impacts on construction. And the a the Mat 01 Assessment looks in to various built elements in an attempt to measure their impact, and award points where good options have been made. This is a brief guide for full details please visit.
The awarding of points differs slightly depending on the type of development. For example industrial buildings are not assessed for windows, as many industrial buildings do not have windows. But all building types (schools, prisons, office) are assessed for external walls.
Points are awarded on the basis on good materials choices, and further exemplar points are awards for options appraisal using green guide, or bespoke LCA using software tools. Materials or building systems can be chosen by using the Green Guide or Green Book Live.
In order to be awarded points identified in a BREEAM pre-assessment it is important that procurement is carried out carefully, and that records are kept along the way. Records should include:
If you would like help with specifying a building to achieve good scoring then please get in touch.