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Site Management Plan

A Site Management Plan is concerned with the day to day operations of your site.  Southwest Environmental Limited can write a Site Management Plan for virtually any site type, so please contact us if you require a Site Management Plan for a:

Typically a Site Management Plan, has slightly different name depending on the type of site upon which it is being used. But to summarise (in definition) it is a document that contains information on how you will minimise environmental impacts. All this information is tailor written for your operation meaning that the Site Management Plan can be used in manner that will lower operational risk.

Construction Sites

A Site Management Plan on a construction site is Typically called a Construction Management Plan (CMP) or a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). These are very common in London for all scales of projects. Particularly when the excavation of a basement is required. A Site Management plan in this instance will include details on minimizing waste, control construction traffic and controlling noise. These plans also require public consultations.

Industry and Waste Sector

Formal Environmental Management Systems can also be used in conjunction with your Site Management Plan, however in most cases a site manage plan will be integrated in to an Environmental Management System.  These can also give a boost to your companies image, as well as lowering operational risk. However, the most popular reason for maintaining a Management System is legislative. Most environmental permits whether they be waste or installation require that you upkeep an EMS.

A Site Management Plan or SMP will contain practical information on how to manage your operation in compliance with your permit, it will also contain other compliance information, such as oil storage regulations, or hazardous chemical storage. All this information is tailor written for your operation meaning that the Site Management Plan can be used in manner that will lower operational risk.

Case Study - Siting of Oil Tanks

Siting of oil tanks next to thorough fares may seam practical with regards to ease of access, but having site traffic passing oil / fuel storage tanks on a regular basis means that there is a higher risk of oil spills, a punctured tank resulting from impact from passing traffic can make a very expensive mess (both in terms of fuel costs and clean up costs) very quickly. Fuel tanks should be moved to low pass rate areas of the site, where risks of this occurrence are lower. This is one example of where practical advice given in site management plan can help lower operational risk ergo (in relation to permits)your operation's OPRA scoring.

Agri-Business Sites

A Site Management Plan could be required on a Livestock or Horticultural Site, as with all the above examples its purposes would be to minimise environmental risk. A livestock site might have a section on manure management, a horticultural site might include sections of pesticide storage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a series of questions which were suggested by moz.com are key search phrase for this page:

What is an Environmental Management Plan?

An Environmental Management Plan, is very similar to a Site Management Plan, although as the name suggests it does not have to be linked to a physical site. It could relate to a piece of equipment, which is used in multiple locations, or a company that operates over multiple sites.

Who Prepares a Construction Management Plan?

In many cases it is advantageous for the site operator to prepare a Construction Management Plan, as they know the details of how their operation. However, many of these plans are written before a contractor is engaged, and as such the work may be given to a consultant, or an engineer.

What should be included in a management plan?

This will depend on who has asked for the plan. For example a management plan requested by a London Borough for construction work, will have different requirements to a management plan requested by the environment agency for a permit application. If in doubt stick to: source > pathway > receptor.

Think about each source of pollution (breaking concrete), its pathway to the receptor (noise and dust travelling through air), and the receptor location and type (school 100m east of site). Once you have listed all sources, pathways and receptors, you can think about how to prevent the impacts. If you follow this principal for all possible variables then you will have a good management plan.