Monthly Archives: August 2013

Site Contaimation Assessment – Desktop Study Truro

Site Contaimation Assessment  – Desktop Study Truro

A diussued agricultural building near Truro in cornwall was granted conversion for use as holiday accoodation. A pre-commecement condition was that a site contamination assessment was carried out, in order to assess risk to future inhabbitants.

A walkover survey showed that the barn had been used for the storage of low risk items, and there was little evidence of ground contamination.

It was recoommneded that the condition be discharged at this stage, and no site investigation was carried out.

Desktop Study

Desktop Study for Change of Use Planning Application Plymouth

Desktop Study for Change of Use Planning Application Plymouth

Southwest Environmental wehere approached by a visitor atraction provider in Plymouth. They were looking to apply for change of use planning permission for an old industrial facility, with a view to using it for a go karting centre. There were no planned alterations to the building fabric, with only the addition of some light weight internal construction.

The industrial facility had been used for the constructyion of various goods over the years and so it was concluded that there was an unquantified risk to future users, as such a site ivestigation was recommended.

Following completion of the site investigation the conditions related to contaminated land were passed off, and planning permission was approved.

Desktop Study to Discharge Planning Condition