Monthly Archives: June 2019

Desktop Study – Margate

Desktop Study – Margate

Southwest Environmental Limited has recently been commissioned to undertake a Desktop Study Report in Margate, UK (there is one in the USA too). 
The report will use maps, historical information and other data to make a review of the site in terms of likely hood of contaminated land. 
We are providing the report on a quick turnaround in less than 5 working days. 
SWEL have been providing quality desktop reports to industry and individuals for over a decade.
This report is for a residential development. 

Compliance Reviw at Pharmaceutical Company – Woking

Compliance Review at Pharmaceutical Company – Woking


Southwest Environmental Limited have recently visited a Pharmaceutical Company near Woking, a Town situated to the Southwest of London
We were invited to attend site so as to make a review a specific processes and make comment on whether they were appropriate. 

There was the over all site process and classification to consider, and also the waste streams created on site, and consideration of compliant disposal routes. 
We completed our review and provided a comprehensive write up of our findings within 3 working days of the site visit. 
Southwest Environmental Limited has been advising complex industries on compliance for over a decade, we work hard to understand you process so we can supply the best possible advise.

Odour Impact Assessment – Devon

Odour Impact Assessment – Devon

Southwest Environmental Limited have recently issued an Odour Impact Assessment report for a large poultry unit in Devon.
The report accounts for the placement of a large number of broiler (for meat) chickens in two sheds. 
There were various receptors near site that are sensitive to odour the limit being set at 3.0 eOU/m3.  
We use an AERMOD model to derive a Annual 98th Percentile Mean. 
The model use source inputs, which we referenced from the SCAIL report and receptors  are chosen, based on  proximity and sensitivity.

Ammonia Assessment – Cornwall

Ammonia Assessment – Cornwall

Southwest Environmental Limited have recently completed an Ammonia Assessment for an an agricultural building in Cornwall. 
The building is a large modern dairy unit with  associated yard areas and slurry management infrastructure. 
The brief from the client was to conduct a SCAIL Assessment so as to establish whether the project would screen out using this method of preliminary assessment. The project did not screen out, showing an exceedance of  ammonia deposition and concentration at nearby sensitive ecological receptors. 

Following this we constructed am AERMOD model to incorporate all features of the proposed development, and determined deposition and concentrations at the receptors that did not screen out in the SCAIL Assessment.
Our model return ed a positive result and we have submitted the report for assessment by Natural England.