Lux Contour Plan for Planning Application – Somerset (BS40)

Lux Contour Plan for Planning Application – Somerset (BS40)

We’ve recently carried out a lighting assessment and lux contour plan for a site in North Somerset.

Lux Contour Plan

The development was for a single dwelling within a village and included various external light fittings it was thought that these may impact on bat habitat around the circumference of the site and as such the planning officer asked for a lighting assessment to be carried out part of the lighting assessment involves reduction of a 3D computer model which is necessary in order to create a Lux contour plan.

The level intensity of light at the edge of the site should be below 0.2 Lux and we’re happy to report that this was the case at this site with use of light fittings that do not create a large amount of spill.

If you need a lighting assessment or lux contour plan, please contact us.

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