Monthly Archives: January 2021

Soak-Away Test Report Gloucester

Soak-Away Test Report Gloucester  

We have recently been commissioned to deliver a BRE 365 Soak-Away Test in Gloucester. The proposed development is residential. 

From commissioning to issue of report the turnaround for this project was under 5 days. 

The results were fair and we design the system in line with the planning authorities requirements, which was a 1:100 year rainfall event with a 40% allowance for climate change.  

Southwest Environmental Limited carry out soak-away testing all over the UK. If you need a report for planning, or to aid with design then please get in touch and we can provide a fixed price. 

P.s. The ground conditions on this job were sandy, with a touch of gravel. People often assume that if they see sand and gravel they will get a good result, but if there is an amount of clay in the sand and gravel mix, this can quickly reduce soakaway rates to low levels.