Monthly Archives: September 2016

Sustainability Statement – Lyppiatt Road, Bristol

Sustainability Statement – Lyppiatt Road, Bristol

Acting Upon instructions from a property developer in Bristol SWEL have assembled a sustainability statement for a multi the residential development win commercial grounds floor use. The development incorporates large areas of south facing glazing and as such specific concerns were raised by Bristol City council regarding overheating potential mitigating measures such as

Overhanging shading were stipulated as possible future upgrades these future upgrades were included within plans with space left for them to be added as a future date when and if some overheating becomes a problem.

Bristol City council have recently started to require detailed energy Modeling at the planning stage SWELconducted a whole building energy model for the development which allows for the presentation of building energy demand and the subsequent : savings achieved through efficiency and renewable energy measures.

Sustainability Energy Statement Bristol

Desktop Study – Chittening, Bristol

Desktop Study – Chittening, Bristol

Acting on instruction from a property managment company SWEL have produced a desktop study for a property in  Chittening, Bristol.

The property lease was to be aquired by a company and as good practice they were keen to establisg risk from ground contamination in a qualified manner.

SWEL have visited site, photgraphed the building internally and externally, we then use up to date environmental data from the Bristol area and mapping to draw qualified conclusions with regards to ground quality on site.

In this instance we felt that although the build could have had a number of uses, that risk to future users was low owing to broken exposure pathways, and the nature of the intended use.

Desktop Study Bristol

Sustainability Statement – Lyppiatt Rd, Bristol BS5 9HP, UK

Sustainability Statement – Lyppiatt Rd, Bristol BS5 9HP, UK

Acting on instruction of a property developer SWEL have produced a Sustainability Statement for a site in   Lyppiatt Rd, Bristol. The site is a mixed use development incorporating residential and commercial spaces.

The project has a highly fragmented roof, and options were explored to perhaps use combined heat and power in order to provide emissions savings in line with BCC Policy BCS 14, which requires that a carbon reduction of 20% is achieved beyond building regulations.

Other Bristol City Council Sustainability Policies include:

BCS13: Climate Change – Requires development to both mitigate and adapt to climate change.

BCS14: Sustainable Energy – Provides criteria for assessing new renewable energy schemes, with a presumption In favor of large‐scale renewable energy installations.

Requires new development to minimise its energy requirements and then incorporate an element of renewable energy to reduce its CO2 emissions by a further 20%. Supports the delivery of a district heating network in Bristol.

BCS15: Sustainable Design and Construction – Requires all developments to engage with issues around sustainable design and construction.

As with London Sustainability Statements, Bristol City Council also require that the energy hierarchy is followed :

  1. Be Lean
  2. Be Clean
  3. Be Green

Site Waste Management Plan – Enfield London N13, UK

Site Waste Management Plan – Enfield London N13, UK

Southwest Environmental Limited were commissioned to undertake a site waste management plan for a site in Enfield London N13.

The project was or considerable scale with numerous residential units built on a brown field site. The report amongst other chapters considers the following:

2.1         Demolition Waste
2.1.1 Demolition Wastes
2.2         Excavation Wastes
2.2.1 Excavation Waste Types Forecast
2.2.2 Excavation Waste Quantities Forecast
2.3         Construction Wastes
2.3.1 Construction Waste Types Forecast
2.3.2 Construction Waste Quantities Forecast

The Waste Hierarchy 

The report follows the waste hierarchy and aims to minimize disposal to landfill. During the construction phase the SIte Waste Management plan makes recommendations as to good working practice that can reduce wastes. Suggestion such as:

“The design should be coordinated to avoid excess cutting and jointing of materials. Off-cuts create waste, where possible designed to standardized material dimensions. This would also apply to bespoke structural elements such as form work, where repetition of measurements should be encouraged where possible.”

Are included within the Site Waste Management Plan