Monthly Archives: November 2016

Planning Appeal – South Gloucestershire

Planning Appeal – South Gloucestershire

Southwest Environmental were engaged by a individual developer in the South Gloucestershire area. SWEL had previously supplied a Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan, and also a Flood Risk Assessment for the Site.

The planning application was refused on the grounds that the building character was not applicable to the area in which it was built. Which was clearly wrong, as the settlement has not specific character by which to compare the design of the building.

The other point for refusal was the failure of the site to pass the sequential test. Whilst some LPAs release excellent guidance for conducting the sequential test, the LPA in this instance were insisted on preventing the use of our normal assessment criteria (for determining reasonable alternative sites) whilst not suggesting any other criteria by which the site could be assessed!

To lead to a gridlock in the process, and despite us using our standard method for determining the sequential test, which was favourable, and has been widely accepted nationwide for 9 years the application for refused permission.

The appeal has now been lodged backed up by a 1800 word appeal statement, which sets out the grounds for appeal.

Planning Consultants Bristol

Noise Impact Assessment – Grays

Noise Impact Assessment – Grays

Acting upon instructions from client, Southwest Environmental have Produced a noise impact assessment according to British  Standards.

The noise assessment was carried out for a self storage warehouse project in the greys area the main impact considered within the report with traffic movements. Unlike typical warehousing we cannot expect large volumes of heavy goods vehicle traffic and research in noise levels were based around car movements rather than heavy goods vehicle movements another consideration was that of the 24 hour access required for self storage warehouses SWEL used data from various self storage associations to build a profile or anticipated vehicle movements the site is within an industrial area that there are residential units quite close to the eastern boundary of the site.

It was found that noise levels were as acceptable when assessed in line with the relevant British standards monastery was carried out over 24 hour period prior to the calculations being performed.

Noise Impact Assessment London

BRE 365 Soak-Away Report – Brinkworth, Chippenham

BRE 365 Soak-Away Report – Brinkworth, Chippenham

On site geology is the Oxford Clay Formation. Which is described as:
“Silicate-mudstone, grey, generally smooth to slightly silty, with sporadic beds of argillaceous limestone nodules.”
BGS Borehole 398037 which is situated to the south west of site shows considerable thicknesses of Clay, extended to the base of the borehole at 44.81 mBGL.
BGS describe the Oxford clay formation as being blocky and fissile in certain areas, so there is potential the clay in to pervious (support of flow through fissures) in certain localities.
Trial pits showed varying thicknesses of made ground resting over the Oxford Clay. 
Site works comprised of 2no. trial pits with soak away tests conducted in each on. The positioning of these pits were sited in anticipation of a fairly large soak away being required. Clay typically being assumed to have a low infiltration rate.
Holes were dug using an excavator, with care being taken to keep the side vertical. This is important so as to be able to deduce an accurate volume, and pit internal surface area. 
The location of the pits can be viewed on the location plan in Appendix 1. Dimensions of the trial pits were chosen so as to representative of the final soak-away. Trial pit dimensions can be seen on the Trial Pit Log sheets in Appendix 3.
Calculations show that based on a 1 in 10 year rainfall event, allowing for a 20% increase in rainfall events owing to climate change, that a trench or pit soak-aways could provide adequate infiltration drainage for surface water from the proposed development. Results from Trial Pit 1 are adopted as a worst case scenario.
Detailed Calculations – To BRE 365

BS9530 –  Logging of Trial Pits

Geotechnical Investigation Belluton near Bristol

Geotechnical Investigation Belluton near Bristol 

In support of some road stabilisation work SWEL have carried out a geotechnical investigation at Belluton near Bristol.

Despite tight access, drilling works started in a timely fashion, with recovered of some excellent core samples. Holes were advanced to a depth of 15 meters, with dynamic sampling in soils and weathered rocks, and coring in rock proper.

Dynamic Samples from Ground Level in c. 3 Meters Depth

Core Samples from Weathered Rock Head

Close Up of  Core Fragment

SPT results and disturbed samples from Soils. 

The investigation is to provide data for a cutting for road widening. The rock seems very competent, but soil nails are proposed for further strengthening. Samples were tested for aggressive ground characteristics, and a variety of classification and strength tests.

Geotechnical Investigation Bristol