Lux Contour Map & Light Spill Assessment – Chelsea, London
Earlier this month we were commissioned to write a light spill assessment for a residential project in Chelsea, London the project involved modeling a site that was undergoing refurbishment & redevelopment, and observing the light spill given a specific set of internal and external light fittings.

Lux Contour Modelling
We were able to model a three-story building with extensive glazing overlooking a rear courtyard the internal lighting intensity was set an acceptable Lux level and the glazing apertures were accurately placed so as to show spill into the rear Courtyard they’re also some windows from Neighboring properties overlooking Courtyard.
We also created simple building layouts for these neighbouring buildings and examined the lights bill into the bedrooms assumed of these Neighboring properties we’re able to show with the model that the lights belt into the bedrooms was below one Lux which is considered a criteria for sleep disturbance.
Lighting design has advanced considerably in the last decade, and the variety of beam shapes available are mind boggling, with an asymmetric beam shape you can place fittings close to a boundary, and limit light spill into neighbouring property.
Some manufactures publish very detailed data for their light fitting which enable us to model them accurately. If you are looking for light fittings of a specific type then please ask us, as we have seen 100’s of types over the years, although for ecological lighting design we do have our favourites.
If you need a slight spill assessment or a lux contour plan (or both!) then please contact us for no-obligation chat, and fixed price quotation.