Category Archives: Projects

Project – NHS Sustainability Reporting

Southwest Environmental Limited were approached by a planning consultancy who were in need of some help with Sustainability Reporting for a planning application. Bristol City Council wished to see an energy assessment of the propossed healthcare devlopment and somemeasures for reducing energy emissions ergo emmisions.

SWEL prepared a report based on the local planning aithrities requirements, the development was modelled based on energy usage per bed, values derived from a study carried out in Belgium, from this end value a renewable geration capacity was reached to satify Bristol City Councils 20% renewables target.

Environmental Consultants Bristol

Project – NHS Desktop Study & Site Investigation

A small extension of a medical centre in Exeter, Devon, UK.

Despite the small scale of the development a Site Contamination Assessment was requested by Exeter City Council.

During the collation of the Desktop Study Report it became apparent that the building was built on top of a landfill site, that dated from the 1970s.

It was therefore recommened that a Site Investigation take place so as to determine the nature of placed fill.

Soil condition were found to be good and gas and groundwater monitoring did not reveal any elevated lvels of contaminants.

Environmental Consultants Exeter