Flood Risk Assessment – Enfield, London

Flood Risk Assessment – Enfield, London

Southwest Environmental Limited were approached by a firm of Architects, and were commissioned for producing a Flood Risk Assessment for  Residential Extension in Enfield.

In this case the report was required on a quick turnaround. We would normally recommend waiting for bespoke site data, takes around 20 workings days to be delivered. But in this case that was too long due to deadlines, and so the report was prepared based on commercially available data that is delivered same day.

The house is very close Immediately adjacent to a water course, and as such is at some risk of flooding the purpose of the flood risk assessment is to assess this risk, and provide quantitative commentary on the nature of the flooding.

Limited advice was also given of rainwater attenuation. An attenuation volume was calculated as part of a Surface Water Management Plan, although this does not constitute a Full Drainage Strategy.

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