South Oxfordshire Policy DES10: Carbon Reduction

South Oxfordshire Policy DES10: Carbon Reduction

Hi we have just been writing an energy statement for a site in South Oxfordshire.  This is a quick blog post to run through the requirements of South Oxford District councils carbon reduction requirements for new buildings. If you read through the guidance document DES10 there are a lot of different percentages mentioned in there which can be a bit confusing for example:

  • the 31% which comes from national requirements compared to building regulations 2013 and then;
  • 27% for non-residential buildings also;
  • 9% for reductions to 2021 building regulations and then;
  • 13% carbon reduction carbon emissions compared with 2021 building regulations for non-residential developments! :-/

So this is all gets a bit confusing and so it’s best to use the below matrix to decide what you need to do and this clearly states that as of tend to December 2020 you need to prove a 40% reduction which is actually reasonably easy to do.

This is an image showing a matricy with various boxes and arrows between them which show the selection process between the various types of development and the carbon reduction requirement as stipulated in DES10

South Oxfordshire Policy DES10: New Dwellings

Policy DES10: Carbon Reduction this is applicable to:

“All new build residential dwelling houses”

Who must prove a:

“40% reduction in carbon emissions (compared with a code 2013 Building Regulations compliant base case, which is equivalent to a 9% reduction in carbon emissions compared with a Code 2021 Building Regulations compliant base case) from renewable energy and other low carbon technologies and/or energy efficiency measures.”

South Oxfordshire Policy DES10: U-Values

You will have to meet a minimum u value as described in the building regulations and that will get you a reasonably energy efficient house.

However, in order to make the 40% carbon reduction you can either reduce the energy demand which can be done with air tightness or extra insulation or reducing cold Bridges.

If there’s any requirement to create more carbon savings then you probably be your best to do this with renewables the heating system also has an effect on the overall dwelling emission rate and so they’re all these things together which can be used to get down to the 40% saving that’s required by policy de S10 from South Oxfordshire.

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