Tag Archives: BRE 365

Soakaway Testing Warminster – Wiltshire

Soakaway Testing Warminster  – Wiltshire

Another day. . . another hole in the ground with water in it.

soakaway testing in wiltshire in chalk

Today we have been in sunny Wiltshire, doing some soakaway tests on a residential development site. As is obvious from the pictures above, the site is on chalk. The chalk in this instance was weather and with patience could be excavated using an. . . . excavator.

We dug the hole very closed to the location ear-marked on drawings for the actually planned crate soakaway system. The results were not too bad, as the water infiltrated at a reasonable rates.

If you require BRE 365 soakaway testing for a planning application or for design purposes we can arrange on a quick turnaround. Please contact us for a quotation.

Worked Example of Soakaway with Costings

Worked Example of Soakaway with Costings

This is a fairly inaccurate walkthrough of a soakaway design to BRE 365 and an estimation of costs for installation of the designed soak away.


Provided here is a worked example of a soakaway designed to BRE 365.

The soakaway is receiving  water from a roof of 323m2.

The site is set of sandy clay soil. With a permeability of 9X10-6 (Reference Value)

1:100 year rainfall event. With 40% climate change allowance.

Size of Soakaway is 22 m3.

Soakaway dimensions are 2 meters by 11 meters. And consists of crate type modular system.


Below costs, for crate soakaway:

  • Crates: 110 crates at £30 each. £3300
  • Digger: £500
  • Soil Disposal: 40 tons @ £10 ton. £400
  • Pipe Work: £500
  • Labour: £2000

Total cost: Approximately £7000, with VAT on top probably.

Case Study